Unfortunately, due to the extremely cold temperatures in Highlands, the croquet lawns will be closed for the next few days. It looks like by next week, we should be out of the low-teen night temperatures, allowing us to reopen a lawn for play. If you are curious how playing on frozen turf can influence the quality of the lawns, click the link below for an article from the USGA Green Section.
When we reopen, we will only have one lawn open for winter play. This will allow us to spread the wear out over the three lawns as we see fit. The wickets will also be offset so we aren't creating more damage in and around the standard wicket locations that are used during the season. Keep in mind, any wear and tear that is done to the lawns, will not heal until May of next year, when the turf awakens from dormancy. Please understand and respect the steps we are taking to preserve the lawns for the benefit of all croquet members, while allowing winter play as well. Please tread lightly out there and I will notify Amber once the lawns are open for play.