On #10, we are getting ready for dredging to start. Above, we installed a 24" pipe that will allow us to dam up and divert the water coming from #10 Creek. This pipe bypasses the #10 pond and goes directly into club lake. Once we lower the water level on the lake, we won't be having to deal with a constant stream of water coming from that direction.
Below, you can see a good photo of the Highway 106 interchange on the 10th hole. Rumor has it, this will look like Spaghetti Junction in Atlanta before long. We'll be able to use it as a place to turn tractor trailers around before they make the poor decision of going down the Gorge Road... especially the Dollar General trucks... you have to watch out for those!
Back to being serious... Speaking of #10, we've begun hauling fill to this area to the right of the cart path. This will be one of the biggest improvements you'll see on the golf course this spring. What has been a sea of pinestraw for years, will now be re-graded and grassed!
Here are some cool shots of #14 green. This is the same process that occurred on the 12th green earlier this week. Note the beautiful herringbone drainage design on the bunker floor. This is much different than #12, which was more of a grid pattern. Both are equally as effective at moving water.
We are very grateful for our neighbor, who gave us permission to put a temporary mountain of sand in his driveway! This sand will be reused under the new #14 green.
On the 12th green, the contractor is now shaping the subgrade and will soon begin coring out the 1,000ft2 extension of the green on the left side. Once that is finished, I will definitely get some good overhead shots so you can see what the new green will be like.
The photo above shows the Rhododendron pruning at #14 tees now that phase one is complete. After the 1st of the year, we'll be getting large equipment in here to take out the uprooted hemlock below #13 green. Once that is complete, there will more pruning to be done.