Tuesday, May 08, 2018


For May 8th, we are a little behind schedule in regards to where I would like to be with the golf course.  This is 100% due to the cold spring we've experienced.  The past week, the warmer day and night temperatures have really helped.  If you are in Highlands, you would probably agree with that statement based on how far the greens have come along in the past week.  Another good week of similar weather will really put us in a good position.  Spring is the time of year that we heal from aerification and focus on plant health leading into summer.  Therefore, our mowing height has been 0.140".  In another week, we'll start lowering down to 0.125" as well as starting our daily double cutting and rolling programs.  The mowers are still picking up sand from aerification and it is important we get through this before we get too aggressive.  You can also see in the photograph below, our root system is really starting to grow, finally.  After taking numerous soil profile samples from different greens, 4" white roots are obvious.  On our 20 year old Penn A4 bentgrass putting greens, 4" tends to be the average rooting depth.