Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Always read the label...

Just because some fertilizer is good, doesn't mean that more is better!  Always apply fertilizers and other lawn products at label rates using the proper equipment.  This is a local Highlands lawn- or was a lawn I should say.  I get a call about something like this a couple times a year from both members and non members alike.  The most interesting cases involve people who try to fertilize a lawn by hand, resulting in many crescent-moon-shaped dead spots!  With this much fertilizer in the soil, you can't just reseed it because the salt content is through the roof- nothing will grow here until time and rainfall leach/dilute the high levels of salts.  There is no easy (or inexpensive) fix.  In these cases I often recommend planting Cacti, and adopting a desert motif.  That last sentence was a joke :)