Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Tree on #3

I've received several questions about the tree in the turn around on the 3rd hole.  You may recall in years past, a Japanese Maple was located in this area.  Like all plants, they grow and get larger.  The last 3 years, we received multiple complaints about the tree which was getting far too large for the small area.  Carts were unable to make the turn without limbs scraping the roof of the golf cart.  We embarked on a pruning program which made the tree look out of proportion and somewhat silly.  If you are familiar with Japanese Maples, their symmetric look is what is desirable.  There is simply no way to prune a tree with that kind of growth habit to make its diameter more narrow.   Last October, after informing the green committee of the plans, we tied multiple straps to the tree and attempted to lift the tree from the well and move it to a new location where it would thrive.  The tree was tremendously root bound and difficult to remove from the well.  However, after a 1/2 day of working at it, we were successful.  It was moved to the back side of the clubhouse where it was planted last fall.  Unfortunately, after the severe winter we had, the tree didn't make it through the winter. 
On #3, we will be planting some additional vegetation in the well along with the Redbud that currently occupies the space.  This tree will do well in this area because of its upright growth habit and won't become an issue for golf carts using this turnaround.