The next 3 days, Superintendents from the southeast (not just the Carolinas) are gathered in Myrtle Beach, SC for what is one of the finest turfgrass education events in the country. The Carolinas GCSA is the largest chapter of GCSAA, our national professional association. This chapter event offers numerous education opportunities from science based topics to professional development subjects.
The past 2 years, one of our accomplishments was a Best Management Practices for golf courses manual developed with professors from Clemson and NC State University. This was quite an accomplishment and serves as an excellent resource for years to come. It's proof the industry takes a proactive approach in the management of golf courses. Superintendents have to be great stewards of the resources we manage.
The conference kicks off Monday morning, but before that, the board of directors meets Sunday night. The board consists of 11 individuals, each representing one of the local chapters in the various regions of North and South Carolina. I've had the priveledge to serve the association as a Board member since 2012.