Friday, June 14, 2024

Divot Patterns on the Practice Tee

At any golf facility, the practice tee is high value turf!  With excessive or improper use, it can disappear quickly in the form of thousands of divots.  Above, is a photo of an area at the Highlands CC practice tee this morning.  This divot pattern makes poor use of the limited space we have.  At HCC, we have less than one-half acre of tee space...20,000ft2 to be exact.  In a perfect world, a club that does the number of rounds we do, in the span of time we're open, should have a tee that is 1.25 acres in size, according to recommendations by the USGA Green Section.  With our limited space, you can help conserve grass by using the linear divot pattern shown below.  This pattern limits the amount of turf loss while also promoting the fasted recovery.  I encourage you to give it a try and conserve grass for the length of the season for yourself and your fellow members!