Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Week Ahead...

What a crazy opening weekend that involved a few inches of rain, plenty of wind and even a snow shower!  In the end, we lost 4 trees that required us to stop what we were doing to clean up.  This week, we'll be getting caught up on the mowing, which we fell behind on thanks to the storms last week.  I'm proud of this team for getting the golf course in good enough shape to even allow golfers on the course Friday.  Most importantly this week, we'll be spreading fertilizer wall to wall across the golf course.  This will really green the turf up and get things going.  Up until now, no fertilizer has been added to the golf course.  It is still very early and the cold weather isn't over yet.  This fertilizer contains the crabgrass pre-emergent chemical, Dimension as well.  The great news is, the forecast looks wonderful with warm days and nights!  Until these soil temperatures warm up, our bentgrass/Poa annua greens aren't going to grow much.  Monday afternoon, we are going to mow the greens for only the 2nd time this year.  There is a slight chance our H2B visa workers will arrive late this week.  However, the following week is more likely.  Once they get here, we'll really be able to get back on a mowing schedule and finish spreading pine straw and mulch.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about the golf course and where we currently stand, I'd be happy to talk to you!