You can see above that greens have a little way to go to heal from the DryJect aeration that was done last November (two directions), and the 3/8" hollow tines that we used several weeks ago. The spring temperatures have not be conducive to growth. Mowing in the Spring can be difficult because we don't want to pick up the sand that we paid money, to put down. The sand also ruins reel mowers by dulling the cutting reel and bed knife. This is why the greens are "hairy" right now. I want the grass to grow through the sand, stabilizing it and creating a firm surface for the upcoming season. During the season, we mow greens at a height of 0.115" to 0.125". On Monday, we'll be mowing them at a height of cut of 0.170". This higher height of cut clips the grass blades but doesn't pick up as much sand. In the next two weeks, provided daily temperatures warm, you'll notice the aerification holes will grow closed and the greens become denser. At that time, we'll gradually lower the height of cut until we get down to our desired speed. Patience this time of the year pays off during the summer season.