Sunday, September 22, 2019

We Need Your Help...

We need your help!
Recently, there have been several members who started to use the practice facility putting green for chipping practice.  It is not uncommon for someone to take one of the leather bags and chip 50-100 golf balls onto the small green on the back right of the practice tee.  Every one of those 50 plus golf balls leaves a sizeable ballmark that doesn't get repaired.  When a fellow member comes to practice putting, they're left with a surface that is virtually unputtable because of all the ballmarks.  This has started to draw a lot of complaints, and rightfully so.  Staff at the range doesn't have the time to break away and repair 100 ballmarks made in 20 minutes time!  Even if they did, the surface would be far from perfect.  There is a solution to this...
Please use the two chipping greens in front of the tee for chipping and pitch shots.  Leave the putting green for just that...putting.  Signage has be ordered to inform golfers of this policy.  The other down side is the fact that we put new ProV1 golf balls on the green each morning.  When a member chips 100 balls onto that small green, the ProV1's get mixed with the others and no one is able to practice with the premium golf balls. 
With your help (hopefully you will help by spreading this word) we can preserve your practice facility for the benefit of all members.  One final thought.... If the hitting stations are located on left side of the tee, you are more than welcome to take some balls over to the right side and chip to that right target green.  This works the other way as well.  Be careful, use common sense and help keep your practice facility the best in Western North Carolina!