Saturday, August 17, 2019

#2 Pond

On the 2nd hole, you've probably noticed the waterfall and pond level are low.  This is because our drain plug has been leaking lately.  We have been putting irrigation water back into the pond to keep the level up.  However, there is one simple way to fix this, which requires draining the pond.  I may take on this task this coming week and fix this once and for all.  This fall, we are going to rework the rocks on the spillway to allow for more visible water flow.  Currently, we the pond is full, too much of the water on the spillway is hidden behind the boulders and stones. By creating flatter surfaces with tight gaps between rocks, we'll be able to keep more water on the top and thus have a more attractive feature.

The water above is running around the faulty drain plug, causing the pond to have a low water level.

#2 pond is currently 8-10" below normal water level.