Friday, July 26, 2019

Japanese Beetle Traps...

I think everyone is familiar with the classic American Japanese Beetle trap sold at hardware stores everywhere. The bags contain a pheromone that attracts beetles to climb in the bag and then traps them. While they are effective at collecting beetles, the traps actually bring more beetles to your garden. Beetles sense the pheromones and travel great distances to take part in the party that otherwise would continue to eat the neighbors plants, 2 blocks away. Regardless, this photo is from a person in Missouri where they must be having a bumper crop of beetles this year! That bag is slam full of Japanese Beetles! I’ve never seen anything quite like that...I didn’t realize there were that many Japanese Beetles in the whole state, let alone this fella’s beetle bag. When asked, “sir, how many beetles did you catch this year, the Missouri homeowner replied, ”all of them.”