Monday, May 27, 2019


These pictures (above and below) show you the ideal definition that we constantly strive for.  Mowing in Highlands is not the easiest of tasks because it mostly stays very wet.  While it is getting very dry and there is no rain predicted in the forecast, dry turf has its benefits with one being, a quality cut on turfgrass. 

 A great shot of the picturesque 15th hole.

On the right of #10, we have a beaver working overtime.  He has "aggressively pruned" many of the shrubs behind the pool as well as residences along Club Lake.  We believe we know where he is hiding this foliage and a trap is currently set.  On Tuesday, we are meeting with an individual from the Forest Service who also work on trapping these nuisance animals.  A beaver is nothing more than a giant rat that can do extensive damage to stream systems.