While these photos are NOT Highlands CC, this is an example of the damage that is caused by stubby root nematodes. This is the species of nematode that our greens have shown to have a high population of. We did treat our greens today and will continue to monitor the numbers through monthly nematode assays at Clemson University. The photo below is a green that went unchecked and untreated. When the damage gets that bad, there is little that can be done. You can see clearly how it received its name...the essential feeder roots are ate down to stubs. This effects the grasses ability to uptake water and nutrients. At HCC, we have zero room for error on many of our greens because the shade is already causing them incredible stress since the roots are already short and weakened. When you add nematodes and compromise the already poor root system, the game is over. Nothing will survive those conditions.