Thursday, January 10, 2019

Liming Golf Course

Here are a few shots of the lime truck in action on #1 fairway.  The limestone is pulverized, meaning it spreads like a fine dust.  The finer the material, the faster the chemical reaction in the soil occurs.  This soil reaction is what raises the soil pH.  For your trivial knowledge, the chemical reaction that occurs in the soil is the same chemical reaction that occurs in your stomach after eating Tums or Rolaids.  In fact, these medicines are comprised calcium carbonate, the same thing we are spreading on the turf.  Calcium Carbonate reacts with the acid to produce carbon dioxide and water.  This is exactly why you might belch after taking a tums...carbon dioxide is released as a result of the reaction.  In the soil however, this reaction takes months to occur.  Next time you swallow Tums, know the same thing is happening in the soil at Highlands CC.  You can also eat dolomitic limestone but I can't promise it will taste good.  It probably has a gritty after taste as well! 😊

CaCO3 (solid) + 2H+ = Ca+2 + CO2 + H2O