Monday, November 05, 2018

Project on #17

On the 17th hole, we started a project that I've been wanting to do for some time.  As you know, there is an awkward fine fescue bed that grows on that bank on the left, just below the new house being built.  The reason this is fescue, is because it can't be mowed due to the steepness of the hillside.  We are going to reshape the hillside, creating a bank that is softer and "mowable."  Another added benefit is it will tie into the finished grade of the new home, making it fit in that spot much better.  It will allow us to fill in the drainage ditch behind the silt fence in these photos, that has been a maintenance challenge for years.  By sodding this area with Kentucky Bluegrass, it will look much more natural, play more fair and also allow us to properly mark the hazard on that side of the hole.