Thursday, July 05, 2018

Golf Course Etiquette

When golfers speak of golf course etiquette, the obvious come to mind.  Repair ball marks on greens, replace your divots, properly rake the bunker if you hit out of the hazard. 
I challenge you to take it a step farther.  If you are the first one out in the morning you have freshly mowed greens and a smooth ball roll.  However, when you play in the afternoon, you have to deal with the wear and tear around the hole location caused by spikes.  Sure, Soft Spikes were a great invention compared to the tradition metal spikes.  However, as Soft Spikes evolved, new models were developed and, in my opinion, can be worse than metal spikes.  The Black Widow spike has to be the most damaging spike for a putting green…particularly for folks that drag their feet when they walk.  Remember all of the golfers for the day that will come behind you.  When you putt out, turn around and see if you are causing any damage to the putting surface.  With these types of soft spikes, any kind of dragging or twisting motion of the foot can be very damaging to the turf.
When you play in the morning, you also have the luxury of a fresh cut hole location.  At Highlands CC, we change hole locations 7 days a week.  When you replace the flagstick, do it gently as to not damage the integrity of the edge of the hole.  As hole edges wear, lip-outs of putts are more likely! 
While sand is provided on the golf carts, replacing a divot is the preferred method of dealing with divots on bentgrass fairways.  Like a tiny piece of sod, new roots will emerge and tack the divot to the soil.  For this to happen, the divot needs to stay moist and have good divot to soil contact.  Therefore, when you replace your divot, step on it to ensure its making good contact with the soil below.  Then, sprinkle some sand around the edges of the divot to help prevent it from drying out along the seams.  If your divot “explodes,” simply fill the void with sand.
Finally, when repairing ball marks, do so correctly!  If you see sand/soil when you are finished repairing your ball mark, it was NOT repaired correctly.  This will only lead to a perfect spot for moss and or Poa annua to germinate!
Although these things are picky, they will enhance the playability of your golf course for all of the members!