Since 1961, the Highlands Biological Station has been recording weather data. Below, are the monthly averages from 1961-2017. It's pretty interesting seeing the fluctuations year to year as well.
January 7.15
January 7.15
February 6.41
March 7.99
April 6.41
May 6.66
June 6.81
July 6.28
August 6.78
September 7.30
October 6.13
November 7.75
December 7.93
We also record some weather data at the Club and our total rainfall year to date is 43.8". So far, July has given us a total of 4" rain. Based on the HBS averages, we receive on average 47.71" of rain by the end of July. We are slightly below average but still have 10 days left in the month.
If you're interested in seeing comprehensive weather data, visit the biological stations website at: