Sunday, September 04, 2016

Warning: remember Yellowjackets this time of year!

Please remember that Yellowjackets have reached that time of year where they are angry at the world! Use extreme caution searching for golf balls in fescue areas and sunny banks.  These are the preferred habitat for these guys. Also as a reminder, we will spray the nest as soon as we know about it. If you observe one, it's best to call me direct 787-2778 with a fairly specific location. Often times, the message is left with another department; I get a message relayed that is very generic like,  "there is a bee nest on the hill of #14." That turns into an FBI manhunt, searching for a needle in a haystack.  The best scenario, if you see them entering and exiting the entrance point, throw a tee or something in the vicinity.  A ball marker, quarter, Rolex, a shoe, a belt, a pair of slacks or your hat will all serve as adequate ways to mark and alert staff where to spray a nest.