Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Greens Spraying

Every Thursday morning, May-October, ours greens sprayer heads out on the course to deliver a precision application to the greens.  This spray contains as many as 15 products that include fertilizers, fungicides and growth regulators.  Is spraying greens every single week necessary?  Many golf courses only spray as needed. However in the high end market, we achieve the best conditions by "spoon feeding" the turf with nutrients weekly. There never is an over abundance of nutrients in the soil.  In the case of Nitrogen, the plant will continue to use what is available to the point of death. It's like a 700lb man whose belly can't signal to the brain that he is full. So he keeps on eating. Grass doesn't have that mechanism either, nor can it talk to say what it's lacking. So we base its needs off of tissue testing and soil testing. Visual inspections tell a trained eye a lot as well. For example, a phosphorous deficient plant has a look I recognize. Since we spray weekly, we use very low rates. In the case of our iron product, only 33 ounces is put in 200 gallons of water. The turf is sprayed and the nutrients are absorbed through the foliage. This is the science behind the business. Next time you see the sprayer out, think out the science in the tank and the fact that Sprayer is a $50,000 piece of finely tuned, precision calibrated equipment.