Note the pink area in the center of this photo
On my daily walk of the golf course and property yesterday, I noticed some Fusarium Blight forming in different areas. Above, is the intermediate rough cut on #14. This is an easy disease to control preventatively. Greens, Tees and hot spots (areas I know are prone to Fusarium at HCC through past experience) are all treated preventatively in early December with a fungicide. I monitor other areas and treat them on a curative basis as needed. The good thing about Fusarium is that areas it affects on fairways and roughs grow out fairly quickly in the spring. However, on greens, it is crucial to have a solid preventative plan in place. Fusarium is also know as Pink Snow Mold. Even though the name suggests it, snow is not required for development. Damp weather with highs in the 30's and 40's is ideal for this fungus to grow. The most prime time for growth is February and March, when the ground is frozen but the top inch begins to thaw. The standing water creates the ideal environment.
This picture shows what it looks like on green height turf. It is actually a pretty disease with the pink outline!