On holes 5,6,8 and 12 I contracted out to a company called NuTec Soil who performed soil testing on 30 foot centers; the entire length of the golf holes. After the soil analysis is completed, they are able to plug the data into a computer. Using a GPS unit, fertilizer is only applied where it is needed, not broadcasting over the entire hole. Essentially, an operator drives the spreader up and down the golf holes and the GPS and computer work together to kick the machine on and off where fertilizer is needed. While the cost of this process is a bit higher, there is a savings on the back end because we are only putting fertilizer where it is needed. Based on the success of the program, I look to expand this in the coming years.
This trailer carries the fertilzer products they will apply. Each bin dumps to fill the hopper of their spreader.
We applied a Magnesium product, a Potassium product and lime to these 4 holes today.