Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekly Update

This weeks forecast is calling for mostly cloudy to partly cloudy skies through the majority of the week.  Along with that there is a 30%-40% chance of rain for each day this week too.  Temperatures will begin to warm back up on Wednesday with highs reaching into the 80's and lows sticking right around the 60* mark.  By Sunday things will look to cool back down into the mid 70's hopefully giving us that fall feel we have had through the past week in Highlands.  

On the golf course this week we will be circle cutting fairways this morning.  On Tuesday we will be spraying our soils application on greens.  This applications combines a fungicide, and wetting agent that must be watered in order to reach the roots and be effective.  Also on Tuesday we will be receiving a hydroseeder machine.  This machine sprays a slurry of seed and hydra-mulch to give better erosion control and potential water holding capabilities, helping allow for better germination.  This will give us a chance to utilize the fall temperatures to seed and expand a few of our fescue areas around the golf course.  Either Monday afternoon or Tuesday, the practice green is going to be aerified using 1/4" tines. This is to help with some minor thinning we've experienced on the practice green as a result of a lot of traffic and the fact it was sodded. Sodded greens never preform as well as those grown from seed until the thatch layer is completely removed. Lastly this week we will be making a granular calcium application on greens.  This application will be timed with rain if possible and will have no effect on play.  Please continue to check back with us through the week for updates on your golf course!