Friday, August 28, 2015


We have yet another university researcher working on Club property. Dr. Hertle with the NC State University entomology department is studying ant populations at Highlands CC. This is actually quite fascinating. In general, other than their small mounds, ants are very beneficial.  Keep in mind, we are not talking about fire ants which you are probably familiar with in the Deep South. Dr Hertle is the leading expert in the field of bats, moles/voles, ants and mole crickets. In fact, it was his research alone that dictated the timing of mole cricket insecticide applications.  In the meantime, we did install several pitfall traps on a couple tees and a couple fairways. When you see these traps in the ground, please just leave them be. They will only be in place for a week or two and we will then sample and identify ant species on property.