Monday, October 07, 2013

HCC Aerification Schedule Posted!


1. DryJect Sand injection is scheduled for November 25th.  We will also do this process again a second time in late March.
2. A heavy greens aerification using 5/8" hollow tines is scheduled for December 2nd.  Sand will be hand broomed to fill the holes.
3. Graden verticutting to be performed in March.


1. October 22nd- 3/4" hollow tine aerification


1. November 5th- 3/4" hollow tine aerification.
2. Graden Verticutting to be performed through November as time permits.


1. October 15th- 5/8" hollow tine aerification and hand brooming of sand to fill the holes.  The courts will be closed the entire day but will reopen for play on the 16th.  Healing should take about 3 weeks, pending good weather conditions.


1. Aerification will commence once leaf cleanup is complete.  This should be Mid November


1. Aerification, aggressive verticutting and topdressing will all take place in December, after the Club closes.