Monday, June 04, 2012

Rough Fungicide Ap

One of the major perils of living in a temperate rain forest is turfgrass disease pressure. It even effects the roughs on the golf course. Greens are sprayed weekly, tees and fairways are on a 3 week rotation and roughs are sprayed as needed on a curative basis. It is particularly bad in areas that have a heavy infestation of bentgrass. Kentucky Bluegrass, our desired rough grass, is more tolerant of turfgrass pests. However, it requires a lot warmer temperatures for optimal growth. During our cool springs and falls, the bentgrass has a competitive advantage over the KBG and out competes it. This is why we are left resodding roughs continually in this climate. Chemical budgets in our climate are very high compared to our southern- bermudagrass counterparts. Bermudagrass requires very few chemical applications to thrive. This is one reason why budgets can't be compared course to course. It requires a lot more money to manage a cool season golf course like Highlands CC.