At 23*F, it was a chilly start to the day with a dusting of snow! April 11th will be here before you know it! We are going to open the practice facility and possibly the golf course, weather permitting, a few days ahead of time for those folks in town. I'll keep you posted on the blog, or see Ken in the Golf Shop for details!
Here is the look behind the 13th green! A majority of the sod was removed in this area and will be replaced. We did this so you're not looking at a perfect square of new sod where the rain shelter once stood. We have an interesting plan to "replace" this rain shelter. I'll talk more about that in the next week or two, after Chris Raby (our first class building maintenance supervisor) gets started on that project. In short, we'll be adding a "front porch" to that structure to house the water fountain, sand bottles and benches for golfers to wait out a passing rain shower, if needed.
All of the mulch is out on the golf course and the look is great! We still have some pine straw to put out yet. As I mentioned before, it wasn't practical to make a complete switch to mulch all in one year. Also, steep slopes still need to be covered in pine straw to avoid washing during rain events. Below is also a great photo of #8, where grass replaced all the pinestraw in that area.