Tuesday, February 18, 2025


These photos of the 16th hole show the slope with the modified hinge point to make the left side of the green surround more playable as opposed to the awkward lies that were common in the past. 

Last fall, the Club started on the new employee housing project and one of the first things my team did, was cut back the roadside vegetation to make it safe to enter and exit the driveway onto Dillard Road.  When we cleared the bank off, we found an old set of steps that were made of native stone!  Since there is no longer a need for them in that location, we dug them out for use on the golf course.  In a week or two, we are going to be creating a safer set of steps from 8 green up to #9 cart path below the tees.  

The step stones were dug out of the bank and hauled back to the maintenance building where they will be cleaned up and repurposed.