The temperatures are finally warmer but the 20mph wind continues to make it feel colder than it really is. We're working on rhododendron trimming on #17 at the start of the fairway. The rhododendron have encroached on the fairway at a spot where golf ball could be played off the hillside. By cleaning this area up, it'll not only look nicer, but it will positively affect the playability of the 17th hole.
For three consecutive days, we've hauled fill soil from the employee housing site to the right side of the 10th hole. This is the area we're raising up and then shifting the cart path to the right. When you return to the Club in April or May, I think this will be the most positive improvement behind the 12th and 14th greens!
This area is rather large, and a couple feet lower than it needs to be, which means, there is a lot of soil that needs to be brought in!
Above is a neat photo I took of the bridge on #18, surrounded by the ice covered lake! The ice is 3" thick.