A project we just started on today is the cart path relocation on #10. The two photos below are a page from architect, Ron Forse's Highlands CC Golf Course Master Plan. This project will be a huge improvement and pushes the cart path further right on what is known as the "island." Incidentally, we now refer to this as the "right fairway." This will allow us to correct the drainage on the right in large pinestraw area that looked wild and unkempt. All of this area will be grassed with sod. I'll be posting more photos as the progress continues but for now, Michael is removing the existing cart path.
Above and below, we were able to remove the uprooted tree on #13 today! This was the tree that uprooted in an early spring of 2024 wind event. The golf course had already opened when this occurred, so getting heavy equipment on the golf course wasn't an option. Also, the tree was well out of play and presented no safety concerns to golfers and workers. Therefore, we waited to address it this winter. You can see in the picture above, there are three climbers, one in each tree. Using a system of pulleys tied to neighboring trees and an excavator, they actually stood the tree back up! Once it was standing straight, another climber got into the tree and pieced it down, starting from the top and working his way down the tree. It was a pretty impressive feat!

I'm happy to report that after today, we are officially finished dredging the pond on #10. It is incredible the amount of sediment that was removed from the pond! Next week, our Hydrologist will be working with our contractor to build the fore bay that will help prevent sediment from reaching the main part of the lake.