Friday, December 20, 2024

More about Dillard Road

The previous post has a video regarding the status of Dillard Road. I just returned from a town meeting this morning and here are the specifics about the Road project:

1. Paving is now underway. However, if the paving isn’t finished today, the asphalt plant will be closed until after the New Year. 

2. Once the paving is finished, another company has to come to paint the markings on the road. 

3. At the same time, another contractor must install guardrails. 

4. Once these things are finished and approved by the DOT, the road will be able to reopen. The question is, when will that be?  There is no way to answer that at the present time. It could be a matter of days or it might be a week or so after the new year. 

My personal opinion is that I don’t see it opening before the Christmas Holiday. Whether or not it opens before the New Year, depends on the factors listed above.  I will post more when more information comes available.