Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve


We are taking advantage of every nice day, including Christmas Eve.  In the past two days, all of the drainage will be installed under each putting green.  You can see the attention to detail in how clean and perfect the ditch lines are dug.

#12 green is even further along, with the drain lines installed and the ditches filled with gravel. You can also see a layer of gravel, 4" deep, being installed over the drain lines and across the entire floor of the bunker.  This layer of gravel serves two purposes for a USGA spec green.  First, it prevents the root zone sand from washing into the drain pipes. Second, it creates the perched water table under the green.  This is the benefit of a USGA green...a root zone that drains well but also retains some water, making for an environment that's ideal for growing turf.