It is that time of year again where we are DryJecting the putting greens, two directions . It is very important that this is accomplished in the fall, before the ground freezes. While it is not the only aeration we do, it is a significant part of our overall program. This fall, we are skipping the 12th and 14th greens because when we remove the sod from those greens for this winter's renovation, we want to preserve it to reuse. Sod that has thousands of holes in it, like Swiss cheese, is hard to keep together after a sod cutter severs the root system. Because of that, we are going to schedule a time in early April to have these guys return and DryJect those two greens, in addition to the approaches.
DryJect is perfect way to work more sand into the organic matter below a green but what it doesn't do, is remove some of that organic material like a traditional hollow core aeration would. That is why it's so important to use both forms of aeration, annually on our putting greens. Each type of aeration serves a different purpose and together, they compliment each other nicely, to keep your putting greens functioning like a USGA spec green should, well into the future. The worse thing for a USGA green, is to get behind in aeration. The playability of a putting green (firmness, speed and smoothness) greatly diminishes without the proper amount of sand incorporation.
DryJect uses a high-speed, water-based injection system to blast aeration holes through the root zone to fracture the soil. The patented vacuum technology simultaneously fills holes to the surface with high volumes of dry sand.
This means you can relieve compaction, increase water infiltration, reach the
root zone with oxygen and amend your soil with high volumes of material all at
the same time. Plus, DryJect leaves the surface
relatively smooth and playable. DryJect is routinely used at thousands of golf
courses and sports facilities around the world.
In addition to Dryject today, we are core aerating the practice tee. Our goal
is to get that finished and topdressed this week.
Practice tee aeration is done with our walk behind Toro aerator so we can get the closest hole spacing possible.
This is a good amount of walking. You can see Lyn out between the target greens on the approach!