Friday, September 13, 2024

Nursery Aerification

Now that the turf on our greens nursery has been down for two weeks, it is well rooted and growing.  This afternoon, it received it's first of several aerations and topdressings of the fall.  Our goal is to get as many holes and sand as possible in this turf before the weather turns cold and turf growth ceases.  The more disruption and sand incorporation we do now, the less of it we'll need to do in the spring, when the turf is moved to either the 12th or 14th green following their rebuilding this winter.  These are big 3/4" hollow tines on a 2" spacing.  We traditionally used smaller tines on a tighter spacing but this size tine really allows us to work sand into the organic layer.

We received about 1/2" of rain since it started last night.  When it has been raining, it's been slow, allowing it to soak into the ground.  It will take a lot more rain to pull Macon County out of this drought.

This afternoon, this pterodactyl was seen standing on the 1st fairway!  It actually was a Blue Heron.