Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Employee Housing Update

The water and sewer lines are being installed today that come off Cobb Road.

You can see by the photos, the grading contractor has just about completed the tree removal and land clearing and will soon be started on the rough grading of the lot and ultimately digging footers.  The driveway into the area has been widened to 30 feet.  Our team worked on clearing the sight lines along Dillard Road and will now have to maintain those on a consistent basis.  If you ever wondered what is considered adequate site distance for pulling out of a driveway or road, I recently learned this from the NCDOT representative that I met with: Take the speed limit of the road you're pulling out on and multiply by 10.  In the case of Dillard Road, the speed limit is 35 mph x 10 = 350.  This means to safely pull out onto Dillard Road, 350 feet of site line distance, each way, is ideal.