Friday, July 19, 2024

Club Lake Aquatic Weeds

Bladderwort is a common aquatic weed we deal with in Club Lake.

Bladderwort is a genus of carnivorous plants that can often be found in irrigation ponds. While these plants can be beneficial in controlling algae and other unwanted vegetation, they can quickly become invasive and clog up irrigation systems if left unchecked.  Since Club Lake is shallow, sunlight penetrates to the bottom of the lake and also, the water warms quickly in the summer.  Sunlight combined with warm water equates to a perfect scenario for weed growth.

Treating bladderwort in irrigation ponds is important to maintain the health and functionality of the pond. There are several methods that can be used to control bladderwort, depending on the severity of the infestation and the specific needs of the pond.

The most common way to rid the lake of Bladderwort is through chemical treatments. Herbicides specifically designed to target aquatic plants can be applied to the water to kill off bladderwort and prevent further growth. However, with our lake being used for irrigation, we are severely limited in what we are able to treat the lake with.  Any herbicide applied to the lake will ultimately be applied to our playing surfaces when we irrigate in the evening.  These herbicides can severely impact the (even kill) the turf on the golf course.

Another method of treating bladderwort in irrigation ponds is the introduction of natural predators. Certain fish species, such as grass carp, are known to feed on bladderwort and can help to control its growth. Over the past several years, we've introduced about 50 triploid grass carp to Club Lake.  50 of these fish in an 8 acre lake is above the recommended number of fish per acre to control aquatic weeds.

Club Lake was treated with a with an aquatic herbicide on Wednesday of this past week and a second application will be applied during the first week of August.  Outside of that, we work with a contractor who treats the lake on a monthly basis throughout the year.