Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Catching up on Golf Course Projects


Billy Brooks is working on trimming the rhododendron back off of the stream on the 11th hole.  Projects like this have taken a back seat due to a heavy tournament schedule and the 4th of July holiday.

It's been an extremely busy past three weeks!  Not only did the 4th of July fall on a Thursday, but the week before July 4th was the Men's Member/Member Tournament and the week after the 4th was the Tartan Classic.  This means for three straight weeks, we lost 2 days of work each week, because we couldn't be on the golf course either due to events or it just being too full with golfers.  Because of this, we've fallen pretty far behind with our normal job tasks that need to be performed regularly.  On top of that, for the last month, the drought has required us to have at least 3 members of our team, hand watering every afternoon.  This further pulls labor away from the getting these normal tasks accomplished.  The tasks I am referring to are things like edging sprinkler heads, edging yardage stones on tees and fairways, pruning on the golf course and even filling fairway divots.  This week, we are working overtime each day to get caught back up to where we need to be.  Fortunately, we have an awesome team that never ceases to amaze me.  Anytime I get the feeling we are a little behind, these men prove to me that we can catch back up in no time!