Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Water Management


It has been very warm and dry in Highlands for the past week and a half and it appears to be continuing well into this coming weekend.  On top of those conditions, the humidity has been low and a daily breeze has led to grass drying out very quickly.  Our team has done a wonderful job keeping up with it!  We have a great irrigation system but that needs to be supplemented with hand watering.  Across the golf course, we have varying soil types and conditions like any tract of land would.  Some of these soil types require more water than others to support turfgrass growth.  This is where hand watering is effective at putting the water exactly where it is needed.  

On top of that, we've made two applications of a product called a wetting agent.  Think of wetting agents as high powered soap.  When these agents are irrigated into the soil, they coat individual soil particles for an extended period of time, even as long as 3 months.  Wetting agents reduce water tension that exists when water comes in contact with dry soils.  When water tension is eliminated, the water will seep into the soil more easily and consistently, making our irrigation cycle much more efficient.  Wetting agents are sprayed onto the turf and then through irrigation, are moved off the leaf blade and into the soil.  If the fairways seem a little wet today and tomorrow, that's because we are irrigating a little more heavily than we would like to ensure that the wetting agent does not stick to the grass and is moved into the soil.  Most everyone has had experience with water tension and soils if you've ever taken new potting soil from a bag and then tried to wet it down.  It's very difficult to say the least and can be a real mess as well!