Friday, June 28, 2024

Putting Green Metrics


Here are today's metrics for HCC putting greens.  As I've explained in past blog posts, this is relatively new technology that we are all learning more about as we gain more experience with the GS3 "smart ball."  The speed number is simply the stimpmeter reading, or how far the golf ball rolls once it is released from the stimpmeter.  The longer the distance, the "faster" the speed.  The smoothness number is a measurement of up and down movement of the ball as it rolls across the green surface.  The USGA is looking for a number that is less than 5 for their competitions.  The trueness value measures any side to side movement of the golf ball as it rolls across the surface.  The desired value for this measurement, according to the USGA, is a number less than 1.  The GS3 smart ball is measuring the amount of deviations (bounces or bobbles) and the magnitude of those deviations. The further you deviate from a perfect roll, the higher the number.