Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Forward Tees and Green Paws

I recently heard some comments by a few of the ladies commenting that the forward tees are difficult to put a tee in the ground.  The main reason for this is the drought we are currently dealing with.  The other reason is that the forward tees are built like old "push-up" greens, where the rootzone is simply top soil.  The main tees on the golf course are constructed of a sand base, similar to a USGA green.  The sand base construction method is much more expensive compared to a soil base.  The funds allocated for the forward tees last winter did not allow for a sand base construction.  Regardless, once we get moisture back in the ground, your tee will once again go in the ground with ease.

You've heard that someone with a green thumb is able to grow plants with ease.  Hap heard this and wants to show off his green paws!