Thursday, June 06, 2024

Annual Bluegrass Weevil


For the first time in history, we've seen and been battling high populations of Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW) at the Club.  This is an insect that can be very destructive if we don't stay on top of it and monitor populations as well as what stage of their life cycle they are in.  Below is the only visible damage on the golf course, that can be seen on the top of #6 fairway.  This damage was done by the 2nd generation adults.  We've made an application of an adulticide (a contact insecticide aimed at killing adult ABW insects).  Next week, we'll be spraying a systemic insecticide that will manage the larval and pupal stages of ABW, in the turf and in the soil.  If you see me with a bucket of soapy water, with my nose in the grass, this is what I am doing; monitoring the ABW population by bringing them to the surface.  The damage that you see below is caused by ABW adults eating the grass blades from the top down.  If populations go unchecked, significant turf loss can occur in a very short time!