Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday Update


Early Tuesday morning, temperatures dipped down to 30*F, creating a beautiful frost across the golf course.  The golf course looks so good right now!  Greens are slow to come around but we are getting there.  They grow denser by the day.  Tomorrow, we will start lowering the height of cut on the putting greens.  We've kept the cut higher lately to prevent picking up sand that was put on the greens following spring aeration.  Now that the greens are almost healed, the grass stabilizes that sand, and it doesn't get pulled to the surface.  Along with the height of cut going down, the frequency of cutting will also increase.  Because the growth has been so minimal, we've only been mowing every other day.  We are about one week from starting our daily mowing schedule.  I can assure you, the golf course is set up for a great year!