Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Take-All Patch

The photo above is a small area on the 9th fairway that is showing the symptoms of Take-All Patch, a turfgrass disease caused by a fungus.  This disease is hard to predict and control.  The turf above, received two applications of a fungicide, one on a preventative basis and the second, curative.  Areas that are most prone for it are those low lying areas that stay damp and don't receive enough sunlight.  Parts of #5, all of #6 and #9 are the fairways we see it most this time of year.  In the case of #6 and #9, both fairways are on our master plan list to add extensive internal drainage and a 6" sand cap.  Once that's complete, we'll take away the excess moisture that exacerbates this disease.  The disease triangle states that for a disease to take hold, you need the host plant (grass in this case), the fungal pathogen and finally the ideal conditions.  If you take away any one of the three, the problem goes away.  In this case, changing the microclimate prevents Take-all Patch from being an major issue.