Above are the walls on the south side (lake side) of the tunnel.
This past winter, a number of plants did not fair well. Numerous Holly species are one major example along with English Ivy, considered an invasive species. The -20*F windchills we experienced around Christmas were the likely culprit after a relatively mild fall. You can see above that the ivy growing on the south side of the tunnel did much better than that on the north side. Fortunately, you can see leaf buds breaking all over many vines on the north side. On Monday, we are going to prune and remove all the dead material from these walls, along with the walls around #5 tee complex. By cutting this out, we will allow sunlight to reach these new buds and ultimately create new vines. That said, it may look a bit sparse for a couple weeks but know it will ultimately cover these walls in no time.
The north side, above and below, took the brunt of the damage.