This morning, I had one DryJect machine on site to run the machine about 6 or 7 times over the back area on #2 green and the back of #16 green. Overtime, these areas settled lower than the surrounding green. By hitting these spots repeatedly, we pumped enough sand into the root system to raise the areas up to a level consistent with the rest of the green.
Lyn and his team are working overtime to lay stone around the pool. You'll notice above, our new chess table is awaiting a game! The oversize chess pieces will be placed once this project is complete.
Over the past 2 weeks, soap flushes are becoming more common as we scout for Annual Bluegrass Weevil adults. The soap (Lemon Joy to be exact) irritates the insects skin, causing it to come to the surface where we can get an insect per square foot count. These insects can be extremely destructive!
"Bluets" , the tiny purple wildflower native to Highlands, are extremely active on all our creek and pond banks.
Rhododendron are being planted in the void above #15 green. While I wish the shrubs were a little larger, they will fill out over time. I've heard from several sources that landscape materials and plantings are in short supply everywhere. Last spring and summer, with COVID, growers underestimated demand and sold a majority of their inventories.
It's so rewarding seeing sod all the way up to the 14th hole. This was quite the project and huge undertaking.