While we still have a long punch list of work to do, we are putting pinestraw and mulch installation at the top of the list. This requires so much man power, that it’s best to put all resource towards it for the next 5-6 days and knock it out. Once complete, we’ll get back to accomplishing all the other items on our list. Your patience is appreciated. Until our summer help arrives back; a mix of high school and college students, we are somewhat stretched thin right now. In 2-3 weeks, we’ll be well on our way to wrapping up our to do list.
I’m very happy where we stand right now in terms of putting greens. Once the turf becomes more dense, which will happen when night temperatures start routinely hitting 50 degrees or more, we’ll begin to lower the height of cut from 0.140” down to 0.120”. When this happens in addition to routine rolling, the putting greens will return to the quality surfaces you expect. Until then, Mother Nature is in charge and our focus right now is healing from spring aerification and growing a solid root system to support us all season long.
This turtle was caught in Club Lake on Thursday and relocated to nearby pond off property. This prehistoric looking thing is pretty fascinating consider they can live long lives. To think this guy or girl...I didn’t check) has been in the lake since the 1970’s is pretty crazy. I read this species of turtles can live between 40 to 50 years.