Sunday, April 04, 2021

Croquet Photos

It is such a beautiful Easter afternoon at Highlands CC.  The sun angles are perfect at 6-7 o'clock!  Here are a number of drone photos of the new croquet complex.  All lawns are grassed and growing and there are just a few finishing touches to put on the landscape.  I will be announcing mid-week when the lawns will open for the season.  The newest lawn will be opening very soon; I just want to be sure all the work around the lawn is finished to avoid us being in each other's way.  I'll have a better idea of when this will be in a few days, but plan on the newest lawn opening next week.  The other two lawns will open around the 1st of May, weather permitting.  Again, this is all subject to change but it gives you an idea of what is happening.  Your patience is appreciated!