A member recently asked me how we determine where the pin goes on any given day at HCC. Several years ago, I created these internal pin sheets to be sure my team was rotating through the pin locations fairly and that on any given day, we don’t wind up with 18 “Sunday pins.” At HCC, 9 hole locations is the most any one green has. Specifically, 3 across the front, 3 across the middle and 3 across the back. Some greens like #12 have less. #12 green only has 5 total. There are three across the front, none in the middle and 2 in the back. Therefore, in a 9 day rotation, those pin locations get used 2x. The USGA suggests any one green should have 14 hole locations so each location has a full 2 weeks of recovery time before it is used again. Anyway, hope you find this useful and interesting.