I posted yesterday about boxwood treatments. The two fungicides needed are Daconil and Tebuconazole. Daconil is easy to find because it is the most common fungicide carried by lawn and garden centers. Daconil is clearly written across the bottle. On the other hand, Tebuconazole isn't marked so clearly. Above is the brand of tebuconazole that is sold at Lowe's. You will have to look in the lower left hand corner (see bottom photo) where the active ingredients are listed to know what particular fungicide it is.
If you go to gets these products and they don't have Tebuconazole, you can substitute it for one of these two fungicides that are also commonly found at home centers:
Thiophanate Methyl
Again, you'll have to look in the lower left hang corner to see if one of the above active ingredients is present.