Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Staff Spotlight: Destin Gearhart

This summer, we are excited to have the help of Destin Gearhart (Pictured above to the right).  Destin is the son of Ryan Gearhart, Town of Highlands Fire Chief and part time HCC employee.  Destin is a recent graduate of the Highlands School and will be furthering his education in the fall at Catawba Valley College in Hickory, NC where he will major in Turfgrass Management.  I am excited to be able to work with Destin and pass on some of the day to day realities of the business before he is fully entrenched in it.  Being a Superintendent is a wonderful job if you are fully committed to the lifestyle that comes along with it.  Like most college studies, they do very little to prepare one for the actual duties of a particular position and it is through on the job training and internships that prepare you for the job.  Returning team member, Dylan Vinson, is to the left of the photo.